Marchadors InMotion
Marchadors InMotion
Naturally Gaited Sport Horses
Naturally Gaited Sport Horses
The ABCCMM is the Brazilian registry and is the premier registry for the Mangalarga Marchador horse on an International level. It is the "mother" registry and provides the stamp of a quality Marchador. It provides assurance that no matter what country your Marchador was bred that it has been inspected, ridden, and passed all quality measures established by the authorities of this breed, the Brazilian registry.
The International Museum of the Horse is located in the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, Kentucky. The museum provides the most accurate description and breed characteristics of the Mangalarga Marchador. Click on the link to the left to visit the website directly.
Links for New Horse owners & Breeders
Links for New Horse owners & Breeders
If you have a mare foaling, you are going to want to use one, or better yet, two foaling alerts, or you are going to loose a lot of sleep foal watching. The most popular widely-used system is the Foalert. However, I have found the Breeder Alert to be a great addition.
The Breeder Alert attaches to the halter and alerts you when the horse lays down in the "flat out" position for 15 seconds. It has a longer range than the Foalert. I like this because the alarm sounds earlier in the foaling process than the Foalert. However, if you have a mare that has colic or likes to lay down flat, you may have some false alerts.
The Foalert is usually the most widely recommended system by equine veterinarians. Unless you are comfortable with sutures, a vet is usually needed to sew the transmitter into the vulva. When the first hoof comes out of the mare, the transmitter sends a signal to the base unit to sound the alarm. I find this system to be the most accurate, reliable system.
The five core vaccinations recommended by the AAEP (American Association for Equine Practitioners) are tetanus, Eastern equine encephalomyelitis and Western equine encephalomyelitis (EEE/WEE), West Nile virus, and rabies. To determine risk-based vaccinations for your area, you will need to consult your veterinarian. The link provided is included to help you understand what each vaccination protects your horse against.egin entering your own content. You can change my font, size, line height, color and more by highlighting part of me and selecting the options from the toolbar. is a wonderful website operated by Merck Animal Health. Most inexperienced breeders think a horse is a horse, and they treat them all the same. However, a pregnant mare and the foal are two unique classes of equines that should be cared for and treated completely different from any other horse. They require different vaccinations, different deworming schedules, and different nutritional needs. is an excellent website geared toward helping owners properly deworm their horses, also operated by Merck Animal Health. You will find that it offers a deworming rotation guide for all horses, including a separate chart for pregnant mares and foals. It can even help you customize your program with your vet based on fecal counts, which is important if you have a resistance problem.
Grooming Aids & Health Products
Grooming Aids & Health Products
By the time you have purchased a horse, I am assuming that you have learned the basics of equine grooming. This section is devoted to some of my favorite products. Some of the products are basic, and I have developed affinities for others. I will be adding more at a later time.
Getting Those Whites Even Whiter!
Orvus Shampoo: Great for really dirty white markings. It’s an industrial strength shampoo in a concentrated gel form and you need only to apply a small amount.
Bleached-out tails: Use hair color! There are a few rules to coloring your horses tail. Do not touch the dye to the actual tail bone as you may get an allergic reaction. Also, don’t use the color too often as it can be damaging and can burn the skin. Always do a strand test by coloring just a few strands to see if there is a reaction. Match the color as close as possible to your horse’s hair. ONLY cover the bleached ends. If you have a horse with a light body and dark tail, you might cover the tail with a trash bag to keep the horse from swishing his tail and getting color on areas where you don’t want it. I also like to cut the color by adding shampoo directly into the color mixture. This allows the color to deposit and stops any lift if you haven’t chosen an exact match on the color. DO NOT color a GREY HORSE'S mane/tail. It will look HORRIBLE as it grows out. Instead, you will want to LIFT the stains, but please don't try to darken a grey horse's mane. If you do, it will take years to grow out when the horse's mane begins to get lighter as the body hair does.
MTG: MTG is a product does wonders on killing fungus, removing rain rot, and soothing dry skin. Make sure you gloves. It smells like sulfur.
Skin-So-Soft: A rinse with a solution of half Skin-So-Soft (Avon) and half water also helps repel bugs and add a fantastic shine to your horses coat without having to add silicone products.
After Clipping: After body clipping, rinse with a WARM olive oil and apple vinegar rinse. It prevents fungus and that dry “just clipped” look.
Mix it in a spray bottle. It gives a fantastic shine without having to resort to silicone based products.